Welcome to Apex Security
Protect your business with reliable cybersecurity solutions!
Prevent data leaks and cyber attacks with our advanced security systems. Trust the experts to keep your digital environment safe. Cybersecurity is de sleutel tot een veilige toekomst voor uw bedrijf.
Protect Your Business with Our Managed Security Services

Managed Security Services
Continue cybersecurity met snelle respons bij dreigingen.

Firewall Loganalyse
Identification of vulnerabilities and potential attacks.

Professional Services
Expertise om uw team te versterken en te focussen op de dingen die ertoe doen, met speciale aandacht voor cybersecurity.

Managed Vulnerability Services
Helpt zwakke punten in systemen en software proactief te identificeren en te verhelpen, zodat cybersecurity wordt versterkt en cybercriminelen geen kans krijgen om deze kwetsbaarheden te misbruiken.

Managed Endpoint Protection
Voorkomt dat malware, ransomware en andere bedreigingen systemen binnendringen en schade aanrichten, waardoor de cybersecurity van uw organisatie wordt gewaarborgd.

Managed Network Services
Minimal downtime through effective management of your critical infrastructure.
Professionele cybersecurity- en netwerkdiensten
Elk bedrijf wordt geconfronteerd met specifieke online dreigingen. Daarom passen we onze diensten aan op de behoeften van uw bedrijf. Onze aanpak voor beheer, ontwerp en cybersecurity van uw digitale infrastructuur is afgestemd op de uitdagingen waar uw bedrijf voor staat.
We help businesses focus on their strengths. Expertise in cybersecurity in the Netherlands en netwerken is moeilijk of kostbaar om intern te ontwikkelen. Toch heeft elk bedrijf deze expertise nodig. Dit betekent dat veel bedrijven hun bestaande teams moeten opsplitsen om cybersecurity en netwerkbeheer te combineren met hun primaire taken.
This approach is not effective for complex, long-term cybersecurity and optimal network performance. However, collaborating with a specialized team is. As one of the experienced cybersecurity companies in the Netherlands, our professional team has twenty years of experience helping businesses operate online safely. Let us use our expertise to protect your business online better than ever before!
Cyber attacks can occur at any time, but thanks to our 24/7 service we can detect and combat threats as soon as they arise.
Security level in one number
With our Security Posture Rating, also known as SPRING methodology, we analyze your security measures in your organization, resulting in a numerical rating that assesses your overall security level.
Seamless Implementation
We can implement our cybersecurity suite within your existing environment, preventing disruptions to your business activities.
Ready for the future
Let our team work with yours to help your business achieve its growth goals without sacrificing safety.
Technology Consultancy
We know you have questions. Our security specialists are ready to advise you.
The cybersecurity expert in the Netherlands
Dutch businesses are increasingly becoming targets of cyberattacks, highlighting the need for solid cybersecurity strategy emphasizes. APEX Security is the partner for cybersecurity in the Netherlands, with a focus on providing reliable and efficient solutions.
What sets us apart from other cybersecurity companies, is our customized approach. We focus on your unique security needs, allowing you to concentrate on your core activities while we protect your digital infrastructure. With our extensive experience across various sectors, we understand the unique challenges faced by Dutch businesses. Our combination of innovative technology and expert guidance makes us a leading player in cybersecurity in the Netherlands.
Successful collaborations

A compliment to the Apex crew, in the pentest of the past weeks the summary is as follows:
We are positive about the security of the systems that can be accessed via the internet. We have not succeeded in gaining access to the internal network from the internet. We are also positive about the internal network. Since the previous pentest, attention has clearly been paid to security. Where it was possible to gain control over the entire environment last time, this has not been possible this time.
In short: It is partly thanks to Apex that we have the doors closed tight at the moment with the recent improvements. Thanks for that!
Alex Meester (Manager IT & Service)
Housing Association Lieven de Key
What customers think of Apex Security

Let Our Team Assist You!
Contact us and leave an email or voice message about your problem. We can then schedule a meeting to discuss your business, its needs, and how we can best help you protect it.